
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Peppermint Pistachio Chocolate Bark

This is a CUTE gift! Easy, we're talking a couple of steps, some chilling time, and the kids can help. I plan to do these for neighbors and co-workers this year. Oh, and it's delicious, my kids couldn't stay out of it tonight. Success.

2 bags Milk Chocolate Chips

2 bags White Chocolate Chips

4 regular size candy canes

about 3/4 cup Pistachio nuts (shelled) (Winco bulk food, of course)

Line a cookie sheet (preferably a jelly roll pan) with aluminum foil. Spray the foil with a light coat of Pam (y'know, or the cheap stuff from Winco. Whatever!)

Melt milk chocolate chips in the microwave. I did 50% power (medium) in a glass bowl for one minute, stirred, then did another minute. After that do 15 second intervals until it's nice and melted, stirring each time.

Spread the milk chocolate onto the tin foil in a sheet with a scraper or a spatula, I used this **awesome** scraper thing I have that has a flat edge. A thin even layer just about filled a full jelly roll pan, not quite but pretty close. Try to get it even, working quickly because the chocolate will start to cool. Put the pan in the refrigerator. It will take 45 mins to an hour to set up.

While you're waiting for the first layer of chocolate to set up, smash the candy canes inside a ziploc bag. Don't quite pulverize it, you want a few "crunchable", recognizable pieces. Set aside.

Chop the pistachios with a knife on a cutting board. Set aside.

After the milk chocolate has set up well, melt the white chips the same way. Pour it IN LINES on top of the milk chocolate, meaning pour it all out at once so you can spread it, but pour in two or three lines to keep the heat distributed so you don't melt the milk chocolate too much. Quickly quickly quickly use a spatula or the cool scraper edge thing (that I have!) to spread the chocolate evenly over the milk chocolate. You MAY have some bleed through here with the milk chocolate, but a little is ok. Just work fast, because you want the white chocolate on the top...not a big deal if it's a bit swirled though. It's just prettier if the white stays on the top.

Sprinkle the crushed candy canes onto the white chocolate layer first. Then sprinkle the chopped pistachios on the top. When the chocolate cools a little, press the peppermint and pistachios into it, so it is firmly in the chocolate. Refrigerate until firmly set, 2 hours at least.

Break the chocolate into pieces. You can do this by breaking with your hands or cutting with a sharp knife. Pack into gift boxes! I used the chinese take-out style cartons at JoAnn's fabric for 80 cents each with some tissue paper. Cute, cheap gift for family and friends!

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