
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Witch Fingers

Hilarious! Great Halloween Party Food.
**I get all these ingredients except the peanut butter and gel in the bulk food at Winco. Much cheaper than buying packaged**

Peanut Butter Clay:
1 cup creamy peanut butter
Up to 2 cups powdered milk (will use probably 1 cup to start then more if needed)
1/2 cup honey

Look at the powdered milk first. It it looks like crumbs or if it is a little "chunky", break it up in the bowl first and get it nice and powdery. Mix in the peanut butter and honey. Mix all to a play-dough like consistency adding more powdered milk if too sticky, more honey if too dry.

About 40 regular sized pretzel sticks (bones)
Slivered Almonds (fingernails)
2 Tubes Red Gel (blood)

Make the fingers by rolling the clay with your fingers into little cylinder shapes of dough and pressing it around a pretzel stick, covering the pretzel completely. Use a spoon and make little rounded cuts to look like knuckles. Place a slivered almond on it for a fingernail. Continue and make all the fingers you can until you run out of peanut butter clay. I can usually get 35-40 if I make them a little skinny! Place the fingers on a tray or cutting board, or whatever you are serving them from. Dab red gel on the "stub" of each finger to look like they've been chopped off.

This is great served on a big platter along with a meat cleaver or big knife that has some red gel on it, looks like the fingers are freshly severed. When your guests eat these, it's like chomping into a finger bone, it's really funny.

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